Need to battle against Mechanical beings.Revolves arounf 2B, A2 and 9s android soldiers.

With staggering visuals and gripping gameplay NieR Automata Day One Edition is a game that you should definitely tryįeatures of NieR Automata Day One Editionįollowing are the main features of NieR Automata Day One Edition that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System. NieR Automata Day One Edition has got an Auto Mode which is for the novices for easy attacks. The characters depicted in this game are impressive and the story has been crafted masterfully. NieR Automata Day One Edition is a game featuring some gripping battles where players can switch between melee and ranged attacks in the battle against a wide range of enemies. The Android soldiers are now at a war with mechanical beings. These android soldiers are sent by the Humans who have been driven by Mechanical beings from Earth. NieR Automata Day One Edition is a game which revolves around 2B, A2 and 9S androids who will battle for reclaiming the machine driven dystopia that has been overrun by powerful machines. This game was released on 17 th March, 2017 NieR Automata Day One Edition has been developed and published under the banner of Square Enix. NieR Automata Day One Edition PC Game 2017 Overview It is an amazing action and role playing game.

I’ve also embedded GPUnity’s previous video for V0.NieR Automata Day One Edition Free Download PC Game setup in single direct link for Windows. Those interested can download this latest version of the NieR Automata Texture Pack from here. And thanks to the incredible NieR Automata Input Overhaul Mod, I was able to experience the game the way it was meant to be played on the PC and complete it. Believe it or not, I never touched this game after writing our PC Performance Analysis, mainly due to the awful mouse and keyboard controls. On an unrelated note, I was finally able to finish NieR Automata this week. And the reason is quite simple because we find this pack quite interesting. And… well… I can already picture some typing a comment, asking me why we’re sharing such a small update to this texture pack. In other words, this is a smaller release and not a major one. According to the modder, version 0.75 comes with some improvements to A2 and 2B, and brings additional improvements/updates to some other textures too. Modder GPUnity has released a new version of his HD Texture Pack for NieR Automata.